Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day Four: Financial Dominion Training

Today is day 4 of this course on Financial Dominion written and taught by Peter Michael Martinez. The further I get into this material, the more I like this person. We need more wise men like this in the body of Christ today.

So after taking some time to really consider what I thought my "interface" would be, I had my opportunity to talk with Peter Martinez on the phone and we went over my Create Your Own Interface form.

This was an awesome call. We chatted for a few minutes and then he started asking me very specific questions that really made me think. I started to see how this guy got the success he did. He's a very focused person and so it helps to get you focused as well. I found myself wanting to have that same impact on others.

After about 30 minutes of questions we got into the different interfaces that would work for me and my personality. I'm an outgoing person but I also like to spend time alone and I enjoy taking my time. I don't like to feel rushed or pushed about anything I do.

Within the next 15 minutes, we started narrowing and I have to say, I really enjoyed that very much. I felt like I had a real performance tweak like adjusting the fuel mixture on the old carburetors of yesteryear. I finally settled on a few things to investigate and then make a decision based on the criteria that we discussed.

Let me say now emphatically that I could not more sincerely endorse this experience. In just a matter of 4 days, my world is changing and I see light where I only saw confusion and fear before. This has been a profound experience in these last few days.

I'm closer to the LORD. 

On thing I have to say right now is that this whole thing has brought me closer to the Lord and given me a sense of purpose that I did not really have before. Don't get me wrong, I love Jesus and have all my life but going through this training and documenting this experience has really been so helpful for me.

I feel like my prayers are more focused and my vision for the future is clearer and more positive than it had been. I don't feel that fuzzy haze of confusion that I realize now I had gotten used to. I thank God for that and again, I encourage people to seek the Lord about getting into this for yourself.

More Confidence Than Ever

I now realize that a lot of what I used to think was confidence was more bravado and protectiveness. I didn't realize how much I let fear dictate to me until now that a lot of it has gone.

My confidence has grown because I feel a lot more focused and I feel like I have a better handle on what I'm looking for in life and what is within my realm of success. How many things have I gone out to do that failed because I was so fuzzy and not focused?

I don't know. I didn't realize that I had so many challenges in this area until I began to go through this material and realized how a spirit of poverty had been affecting my thinking. I didn't realize what I really wanted to accomplish until it became a real possibility.

My New Interface

I have a few new options to explore for a new "interface" as Peter calls it and I like that term because I get the impression that it's like a machine you put on the financial system that sucks out money without sucking all your time in. It's like a hose you can attached to the world without getting in.

I am very excited about getting started and I feel young again. I feel like I'm 20 years old with the whole world in front of me. Huh. I didn't really think about that until I just typed it. Well, that's how it feels to have your hope and vitality restored then.

I'm going to keep updating this blog but any thought I had about this not being for me is gone. Financial Dominion is a life changer and I thank God for Pastor Peter Martinez and his obedience to share this information with us.

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